Jahanara Rony

Editor of Fashion2Apparel. She is a fashion designer and ex-lecturer in Fashion Designing. She wants to spread fashion knowledge throughout the world.

Defects in Garments Manufacturing

List of Major and Minor Defects in Garment Manufacturing

Introduction: Defects in garment manufacturing can arise at different stages of the production process, from the fabric selection to final packaging. During garments manufacturing different kinds of major and minor defects are occur in garments. Defects crop up in a garment due to diverse reasons. Types of garment, customer demand, standard of quality, technology used,

List of Major and Minor Defects in Garment Manufacturing Read More »

Defects Zone in Garment

Classification of Defects Zone in Apparel During Visual Inspection

In the clothing industry defects is the common problem for making garments. To get defects free garments every section in the apparel industry arranged visual and mechanical inspection. Mainly visual inspection is the most usable and popular process for the garments inspection process. To complete this visual inspection garments inspector should know about the defects

Classification of Defects Zone in Apparel During Visual Inspection Read More »