Jahanara Rony

Editor of Fashion2Apparel. She is a fashion designer and ex-lecturer in Fashion Designing. She wants to spread fashion knowledge throughout the world.

Business Communication for Merchandiser

Importance of Business Communication for Merchandiser

Most 7 Importance of Business Communication for Merchandiser Kazi Md. Rashedul Islam B.Sc. in Textile Engineering (DUET) Author & Founder: TextileTrainer.com Email: [email protected]   What is Business Communication??? Business communication differs from general communication. Typically, business communication is more formal than casual or general communication. In general communication, we don’t need to use formal language.

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Wet Processing in Textile

Flow Chart of Textile Wet Processing

What is Textile Wet Processing? Textile wet processing is a series of chemical and mechanical treatments that are applied to textiles during the manufacturing process, involved with the aqueous stage of pretreatment, dyeing, printing, and finishing. Textile wet processing constitutes innumerable steps leading to finished product, each having a number of complex variables and every

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