Most 7 Importance of Business Communication for Merchandiser
Kazi Md. Rashedul Islam
B.Sc. in Textile Engineering (DUET)
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What is Business Communication???
Business communication differs from general communication. Typically, business communication is more formal than casual or general communication. In general communication, we don’t need to use formal language. But in business communication, we must need to use formal language. Below I mention two definitions of business communication for better understanding.

According to the Business Dictionary:
It is the sharing of information between people within an enterprise that is performed for the commercial benefit of the organization. Besides, business communication can also refer to how a company shares information to promote its product or services to potential consumers.
According to the Notes Desk:
Business communication is any communication used to promote a product, service, or organization with the objective of making a sale.
A garment merchandiser needs a strong communication skill, especially business communication. Sometimes, we see, many orders get canceled due to a lack of communication skills of a merchandiser. In this article, I will describe 7 importance of business communication for merchandiser. Before, we will know the main objectives of business communication.
Objectives of Business Communication:
The most important objectives of business communication for merchandiser are given below:
- Business communication transfers information and creates an understanding among all workers.
- Business communication helps to encourage social relations among workers by promoting inter-communication.
- To develop an approach that is necessary for job satisfaction, motivation, and cooperation.
- To increase worker-management relations by keeping the communication channels open.
- To enable workers for a change in the working process, methods, or environment by giving them the required details in advance.
Types of Business Communication:
There are many types of communication such as written, oral, and non-verbal communication. But business communication is only two types. They are:
- Formal communication.
- Informal communication.
a) Formal communication:
Formal communication is the official communication that takes place in an organization to an organization where keep proof of communication. Formal communication most commonly be in written form like notices, memos, e-mails, circulars, etc.
b) Informal communication:
Informal communication is not an official communication. It takes place between two people of an organization without any proof of communication. Sometimes, informal communication takes place between people of an organization who may not be officially attached.
Importance of Business Communication for Merchandiser:
Improper communication may lead an organization to a lot of damage. So, it is important to know every merchandiser in the garments industry, the importance of business communication. From here, a merchandiser can learn how communication plays an important role in business. Most 7 importance of business communication is given below:

Now, I will discuss the importance of business communication one by one-
1. Enables cooperation and coordination: Effective communication helps to improve cooperation and coordination between all the employees in the organization. When communication is proper, the higher authority can be able to talk to the worker. It also helps to know the needs and wants of workers. Effective communication channels also help the worker the strategic objectives of the company and they work with a concerted effect to achieve the objectives of the company.
2. Ensures smooth working of organization: Proper communication helps everyone to know their duties, requirements, and responsibilities. They can work according to their responsibilities. Business communication helps to reduce unnecessary errors, fights, envy, and confusion among workers and managers. As a result, a smooth working process is ensured for all the parties in the organization.
3. Increases efficiency and productivity of the organization: Communication helps to inform workers about the company goals, objectives, long long-term plans. So that, all workers are enable to understand the need for effective work, and therefore they exercise their duties properly leading to increased efficiency and productivity of the organization. With proper and effective communication, workers can be motivated. They can be educated about the benefits they get in the long term because of efficient working and make them work effectively and efficiently thereby leading to the overall improvement of the organization.
4. Aids in decision-making: Proper business communication leads to effective sharing of information among workers thereby leading to proper decision-making. Getting accurate information for making decisions is only possible when communication is proper. The higher authority should be aware of all the positives and negatives of making a decision. To make the right decision, good communication helps the decision maker.
5. Helps in proper delegation of duties to subordinates and workers: It is possible to allocate duties to the sub-ordinates and worker easily and promptly, when there is good communication. Workers and subordinates can be assigned tasks and informed about what needs to be done through a good communication. The schedule can be informed to them so that they can manage and complete the work will ahead of time. All these are possible when there is proper communication between the manager and his sub-ordinates.
6. Aids in change management: Change management is the biggest challenging work for an organization. With proper communication, the workers can be advised well in advance about the changes planned in the organization, the need and importance for change, the benefits of changing, and the ill effects of not changing. The workers can be kept informed and be ready for the change. It is possible only when they practice proper communication.
7. Maintains information flow between channel partners: The success of a business does not only depend on the internal development of the company. It is important to develop an external environment where there should be a win-win situation for both the organization and its channel partners like suppliers, distributors, retailers, and customers. So, it is important to build up a strong communication channel between the internal environment of the organization and the external environment.
Above all points tell us the importance of business communication for merchandiser in the garment industry. It also helps to understand that proper business communication leads to the development of the company.
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- Kadolph, S. J. (2006). Textiles. New Delhi: Pearson Education.
- Rathinamoorthy, R. S. (2018). Apparel Merchandising. Chennai: Woodhead Publishing India Pvt. Ltd.
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Editor of Fashion2Apparel. She is a fashion designer and ex-lecturer in Fashion Designing. She wants to spread fashion knowledge throughout the world.