Definition of Marker:
A marker is commonly done by large thin paper that holds all the size of pattern pieces for a specific style of garments. Marker is the perfect way to reduce fabric wastage. Marker gives actual guide line for completing the flawless or correct fabric cutting. Marker making can be done in both ways like manually and computerized method.
Marker width is greater than or equal to the fabric width. Marker length is mainly depends on the number of patterns of the particular style of garments used for marker making.
- Figure 1: Marker making with manual and computerized method
From this article you will get the detail information about the following topic like, what is marker? Types of marker in the garments industry, marker making, objectives of marker making, different methods and techniques of marker making, manual marker making method, computerized marker making method in the apparel industry.
Marker length depends on some other factors. These are:
- No. of garments produced by a lay of a spread.
- Length of the cutting table.
- Production planning.
Types of Marker:
There are four kinds of marker such as:
- Shading marker,
- Non shading marker,
- Group marker, and
- One /two way marker.
Garment Marker Making:
During garments manufacturing process, marker making is the most useful process to draw the pattern pieces over a thin marker paper and this marker paper is placed on the fabric lay for minimizing the fabric wastage.
Objectives of Marker Making:
There are different objectives of marker making. They are
- By the help of marker making similar size and styles of apparels are gained.
- For bulky production marker is essential.
- Marker making is the guide of fabric cutting.
- It helps to minimize the fabric wastages.
- It save the production time and cost
Methods of Marker Making in the Garment Industry:
Marker making is a pre-preparation of fabric cutting during huge amount of garments production. In the marker making, different pattern parts are drawn on a big thin paper and to considering fabric width, garments size ration, fabric fault and cutting table width, length marker efficiency is depending on.
There are two methods usually used for marker making in the apparel industry. They are
- Manual method
- Computerized method.
1. Manual Marker Making Method:
In garments industry, manual market making is the oldest, traditional and typically used method. In this processes pattern maker make the all pattern pieces manually and after that fabrics are spread on cutting table and set up all pattern pieces directly onto the marker paper. Then mark by chalk, pencil or pen.
- Figure 2: Manual marker making
Types of manual marker making method:
Manual methods are two types. Such as:
- Marker planning with full size pattern
- Marker with minimized pattern
a. Marker planning with full size pattern:
- According to standard measurement all garments patterns are in full dimension.
- To minimize the fabric wastage, hard patterns are placed on thin marker paper and then all patterns are marked by turning different direction.
- The top of the table on which marker making are fixed or fitting and the fitting table top are placed in various angle.
- For fabric suction vacuum system is arranged under the table.
- For minimize the marker length this method is perfect.
b. Marker with minimized pattern:
- Normally the patterns are made up of hard paper or plastic sheet.
- For this method full size patterns are minimized 1/5 part by a panto-graph.
- Marker is planned with small pattern pieces.
- When marker making is done, snaps are taken by camera.
- Planimeter is applied to examine covered area of pattern lies in the marker.
- The marker efficiency is examined by marker area and pattern area.
- All of the marker photograph and minimized pattern are carefully stored.
Advantage of manual method:
- It is suitable for small production
- Investment cost is low.
Disadvantage of manual method:
- More time is required
- High labor cost
2. Computerized marker making method:
Computerized method is the best and most popular method of marker making. Generally it gives higher efficiency. During this marker making method every specific style and part of the patterns are kept in the computer memory and grade rule is also mentioned. To do this marker making, computerized marker paper directly placed on fabric layer. Then the computer makes the marker by its programming techniques. Computer Aided Design (CAD) system are used to make marker. Comparison between manual and CAD marker making is huge.
- Figure 3: Computerized marker making
For completing the computerized marker making, pattern information’s can be stored by different manners. Such as:
- Digitizing system
- Scanning system
i. Digitizing system:
- Patterns are placed in computer by using the digitizing board to run this process.
- Every component is send to the computer memory by clicking special mouse around the pieces.
ii. Scanning system:
This is special kind of photocopier machine. Two things are done here. They are:
- Production or Working patterns are set up on the scanning glass and then marker is made in a selected size.
- For making other size grade rule is used.
- Figure 4: CAD system use to make marker
Types of computerized marker making method:
Computerized marker making method is mainly two types. Such as:
- Automatic marker making
- Interactive marker making
a. Automatic marker making:
- To do this automatic marker making method, computer can make marker itself according to given commands.
- From this method most efficient marker can be got.
- Computer makes marker with the help of permutation and combination but it required more time.
b. Interactive marker making:
- Interactive marker making is a very common process.
- Computer operator takes a marker plan by interacting directly with the system through a computer screen.
- Every pattern pieces are shown in a miniature of the screen.
- Operators are transferring patterns information by the use of pen drive or tablet.
Advantage of computerized marker making:
- Perfect method for large scale production
- Marker efficiency is high
- Low fabric wastage
- If you want to get marker print out then it possible.
- pattern grading could be done by automatically
- Low time consumption
- This method help to prepare marker quickly
Disadvantage of computerized marker making:
- High investment cost
- Required skilled operator
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Editor of Fashion2Apparel. She is a fashion designer and ex-lecturer in Fashion Designing. She wants to spread fashion knowledge throughout the world.