Sweater is a knitted fabric. Like other knitted fabric sweater is not make. Sweater making process is completely different from knit and oven garments since sweater is not made from finished fabric. Shape of the sweater parts are made by linking with one yarn to another. Sweater making process don’t become complete at a glance. Firstly different parts are made by v-bed knitting machine. Sweater knitting machine also referred to as flat bed or v-bed knitting machine. Then parts are joined with linking machine. So, consumption calculation and costing of sweater depends on the quantity of yarns needed to make a sweater garment.
Sweater don’t have solid or finished fabric like as woven & knit item by linking one yarn with another the shape of the different parts of sweater is made. So, there is no such consumption formula for sweater like as woven & knit.
For costing of sweater, we need to make a sample first as per requirement style, measurement and weight. It is the wise to make the sample following middle size of buyer spec. Then weight that sweater and multiple the weights with 12 pcs to know the weight of per dozen sweaters. Then add wastage percentage (generally we calculate 10-20% wastage based on styling). Generally, we can see different types of gauge like as 3GG, 5GG, 7GG, 12 GG. After read this article you can easily understand costing of sweater.
Costing of sweater mainly depends on the below important points.
- Weight of sweater sample.
- Yarn Price.
- Accessories Cost.
- Print cost if any.
- Embroidery cost if any.
- CM (Cost of Making.)
- Washing cost
- Commercial Charge.
- Profit
Sweater Consumption Calculation:
(I just try to give an example)
Weight of yarn ………………………..= 11.00 lbs/doz
Wastage of yarn……………………… = 8% (min 6% and max 20%)
Yarn quality ……………………………= 100% acrylic
Accessories consumption ………….= Min US $2.00/doz and max US $10.00/doz
Price …………………………………….= FOB/C&F
How much quantity?
What is the shipment date?
CM (Cost of Making) depends on design and period/season
In a pick season, CM is = Min US $4.00/doz and Max US $60.00/doz
In off pick season, CM is = Min US $12.00/doz and Max US $20.00/doz
Sweater seasons are divided into two categories:
- Pick season (From February to August)
- Off pick season (From September to January)
Price Quotation Preparation System for Sweater Garments:
Sweater garment weight/doz + Wastage
= Result x yarn price/lbs
= Total yarn cost/doz + Accessories cost/doz + Freight (In case of C&F price) + CM
= Total amount/doz divided by 12
= Price/pc
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Editor of Fashion2Apparel. She is a fashion designer and ex-lecturer in Fashion Designing. She wants to spread fashion knowledge throughout the world.