Working Procedure of Sewing Department in Garment Industry

Sewing Department in Garment Factory:
In the apparel industry or clothing industry, sewing section is the main department for garments manufacturing. The sewing department in the plays a crucial role in the overall garment manufacturing process. It is often considered the heart of garment production. When all the garments are complete to cut in the cutting section, all of these cutting parts are sending to sewing department for making garment. In this section different cutting parts are joining together with the help of different types of sewing machine, threads and needle. To complete the perfect garment easily and timely Floor in-charge always maintains a working procedure. Working procedure is also called as process flow chart of sewing department in the garments industry.

Working Procedure of Sewing Department
Fig: Working Procedure of Sewing Department

Working Procedure for Garments Sewing Department:
How do sewing section works? If you want to get this answer, then you should read this simple Working procedure or process flowchart of sewing department in apparel industry. Process flowchart for garments sewing department are as follows with a table.

Working Procedure of Sewing Section in Garments Industry:
Planning      →1Starting work with Garments Analysis
2Target setup for production (On the basis of shipment schedule)
3Setup Machine Layout plan
4Setup Operator Layout plan
5Quality control of product
Layout        →1Line Balancing
2Line Setup (Advance or normal)
3Process Distribution
Sewing        →1Garment parts are received from the cutting department
2All the garment parts are storing or racking carefully
3Garment cutting parts are distributed to the operator
and helper
4Position mark to components where required
5Individual Parts making
6Inline quality inspection
7Parts assembling
8Inline quality audit
9Output garments are counting and checked with the
10End line quality audit
11Table Inspection (After completing table inspection
quality passed garments are send to the garment finishing department)
for Finishing Department →
Thread removing, Quality check, Ironing or pressing, Garments measurement, poly, Label attached, Packaging etc.

The sewing department is vital in the garment industry due to its central role in the manufacturing process, its impact on product quality, its contribution to cost control and efficiency, and its ability to adapt to changing market demands and innovations in technology.

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