Final Inspection or Pre-shipment Inspection:
Final inspector in garment industry is a person who is generally conducts pre-shipment inspection process, which is called final inspection. Before going to know about final inspector we should know about pre-shipment inspection. Pre-shipment inspection, (also spelled preshipment inspection) or PSI, its work is a part of supply chain management and an important quality control method for checking the quality of goods clients buy from suppliers. PSI ensures that production complies with specifications of the buyer and/or the terms of a purchase order or letter of credit.
In the garment industry, final inspector usually arranged Final or Pre-shipment inspection to get quality garments. After packing and cartooning by finishing inspector this pre-shipment inspection is mainly conducted by buyer’s representative and important factory personnel’s like general manager, merchandiser, final inspector, quality inspector, quality control manager, and other essential persons are also present here. If reject rate is higher than pre-set value of the whole lot is rejected and returned for recheck.

Job Duties and Responsibilities for A Final Inspector in Garment Industry:
Final inspector in apparel industry has some job duties and responsibilities these are help to do his job perfectly. Some responsibilities are as follows:

1. Final inspector always ensures that the whole consignment (lot) is stacked at one place in garment industry.
2. Inspector ensures that samples are pulled from the lot on random basis.
3. He inspects the each sample and records the effect.
4. He counts the number of rejects of garments out of the sample size.
5. Final inspector compares it with that allowed as per Inspection sampling plan.
6. If number of rejects go beyond acceptable limit given in the Inspection Sampling Plan, then he rejects the lot, otherwise accepts it.
7. He checks the assortment and matches with the buyer specified assortment.
8. He checks if the poly bags, cartons, inners cartons, etc are of correct quality.
9. Final inspector checks the side marks, shipping marks, gross and net weight of the carton of garments.
10. Final inspector also checks the final destination is correctly given or not on the carton.
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Editor of Fashion2Apparel. She is a fashion designer and ex-lecturer in Fashion Designing. She wants to spread fashion knowledge throughout the world.