Production Planning and Control (PPC) in Garment Industry:
Production planning and control (PPC) department is one of the most important departments in garment manufacturing industry. It plays an important role in apparel production. Because the highest efficiency in production is obtained by manufacturing the required quantity of product at the required quality and required time by the best and cheapest method. This implies the necessity of the harmonious implementation of PPC functions.
Production planning and control (PPC) are important aspects of the garment industry. Precision in planning equates to on-time shipments, the best use of labor, and assurances that appropriate supplies and equipment are available for each order. Production planning involves everything from scheduling each task in the process to execution and delivery of products. In most cases the production of garments is very time sensitive in order to ship goods to stores and boutiques for the upcoming season. In the context of garment manufacturing, the primary roles of the PPC department are listed below. Each function is explained briefly, just as an overview of the task.
Functions of Production Planning and Control (PPC) Department in Garment Industry:
The main functional parameters of production planning and control (PPC) in garment manufacturing industry can be classified in 12 categories:
Each functions has been explained briefly just overview about the task.
1. Materials:
Raw materials, finished parts and bought out components should be made available in required quantities and at required time to ensure the correct start and end for each operation resulting in uninterrupted production. The functions include the specification of materials (quality and quantity), delivery dates, variety reduction, procurement and make or buy decisions.
2. Methods:
The purpose of this function is to analyze all the methods of garment manufacturing and to select the best method according to the given set of circumstances and facilities. It determines the sequence of operations and the division of product into assemblies and sub-assemblies, modified by the limitation of existing layout and work flow.
3. Machine and manpower:
Methods of garment manufacturing have to be related to the available production facilities coupled with labor and a detail study of equipment replacement policy. Maintenance policy, procedure and schedule are also functions connected with managerial responsibility.
4. Routing:
The flow of sequence of operation and processes to be followed in manufacturing a lot is routing. Routing determines what work will be done on the product or parts and when, where and how it will be done. It estimates the garment operation, their path, sequence, proper class of machines and personnel.
5. Estimating:
Once the overall method and sequence of operations are fixed process sheet for each operation is available, then the operation times are estimated. Apparel estimation is carried out using extensive analysis of operations along with methods and routing and establishing a standard time for operation using work measurement techniques.
6. Loading and scheduling:
The schedule is a detailed plan for an immediate and relatively short time period. It requires greater importance in manufacturing. Machines have to be loaded according to their capacity and performance.
7. Dispatching:
It involves assignment of work to different machines or work places to release the order. It is an important step as it translates production plans into reality or physical work.
Dispatching involves issue of production orders for starting the operations. Conformation is given for:
- Movement of materials to different workstations.
- Movement of tools and fixtures necessary for each operation.
- Beginning of work on each operation.
- Recording of time and cost involved in each operation.
- Movement of work from one position to another in accordance with the route sheet.
- Inspection or supervision of work.
Dispatching is an important step as it translates production plans into production.
8. Inspection:
This is mainly done to ensure the quality of the product.
9. Expediting:
It involves following up the parameters which regulate the progress of materials and parts through the production process.
10. Evaluation:
A thorough analysis of all the factors influencing the production planning and control helps to identify the weak spots. However, the corrective action necessary to overcome the discrepancy will be affected by a feedback.
11. Capacity planning:
The PPC departments play a major role during order booking. They decide (suggest) how much order they should accept according to their production capacity, that is, allocating of total capacity or deciding how much capacity to be used for an order out of the total factory capacity.
12. Follow-up:
Follow-up is done to check if there are any bottlenecks in the flow of work and to ensure that the production operations are occurring in accordance with plans. It spots delays or deviations from the production plans. It also helps to reveal defects in routing and scheduling, underloading or overloading of work, etc. All remedial measures are taken to ensure that the work is completed by the planned date.
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Editor of Fashion2Apparel. She is a fashion designer and ex-lecturer in Fashion Designing. She wants to spread fashion knowledge throughout the world.
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